Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Class

I'm at JFK. Finally. I got to fly FIRST CLASS and it was AMAZING. It was probably the most comfortable place I've slept in the past week (which might not be saying much seeing as I've slept at various Motel 6's, a minivan, Tristan's couch, and on a chair at the airport.) The chair folded out into a bed. While the chumps in Coach paid $5 for a can of Pringles, I got a lovely salad, a brownie, and a fruit bowl with REAL silverware on glass plates. I was served a warm towel and unlimited glasses of Diet Coke in a REAL glass.

I almost whipped out my camera and took pictures, but I didn't think that would be very classy...

I've tasted the sweetness of BusinessClass and I don't want to go back to Coach.

But I will. In about 2 hours. :(

FINALLY going to London! Yippee!


  1. Hey, let us know how things went on the flight and how the accomodations are! Can you post pics to FB?

  2. We are all waiting to hear more!!
