Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lessons Learned this week

10. Don't take baths when you are really tired. Bathtubs do NOT make good beds.

9. Store brand "Diet Classic Cola" or "Diet Dr. B" is 3.55 times less expensive than CocaCola. When you drink Diet Coke and DDP though an IV like I do, this adds up to a savings of about $15-25 a week.

8. Sometimes, infomercial products work just as well as they say. You really CAN bedazzle anything. But bedazzling one's finger really hurts.

7. Rachael Ray never gets less annoying.

6. Fiber One bars are a good "sometimes" snack, but eating a whole box in one day is not good for your system.

5. Especially when you have a 2k test the next day...

4. I can find a way to make a 3-mile car ride take 1.5 hours.

3. No matter how tired you are, sometimes it is worth staying up for 24+ hours just to see Sarah Owen attack a plate of taquitos at Taco C. Especially when the taquitos fight back.

2. Do NOT get "lackadaisical" with your birth control to secretly get pregnant to force your boyfriends hand in marriage. On a related note, don't think you can keep ANYTHING a secret from your roommates. The walls at the Block are too thin for that. (We all know you're preggers.)

1. When you are mad/sad/angry on the inside, smile on the outside. You really DO feel better. (I'm still working on implementing this one... :-) )

1 comment:

  1. 9. Store brand "Diet Classic Cola" or "Diet Dr. B" is 3.55 times less expensive than CocaCola. When you drink Diet Coke and DDP though an IV like I do, this adds up to a savings of about $15-25 a week.

    Thanks Sandra Lee. That was a super simple tip! So easy!
